cara optimasi pada regedit di windows xp
1.masuk rgedit(RUN:KETIK REGEDIT)
2.Masuk mycomputer/hykey current control panel/desktop. computer:regedit and task (value=0 diganti 1),hungup time out(500 diganti 1)menu sho delay(400 diganti 0),wait to kill up time (2000 diganti 0atau1/2) computer/hkey-load all machine/client curent sel/control panel. value and enable prefecter 3 diganti 1. computer/hkey user/default/control panel/ and task(value 0 diganti 1),hungup time out(500 DIGANTI 1),MENU SHOW DELAY(400 diganti 1),waite to kill up time(2000 diganti 2).
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